Mary Stewart CPA LogoMary G. Stewart, CPA, PA

Taking the work out of book work
and taking the axe to your taxes.

Mary Stewart CPA Logo

Mary G. Stewart, CPA, PA

Taking the work out of book work
and taking the axe to your taxes.

Phone: (941) 258-3191
Fax: (941) 258-3192
Address: 2886 Tamiami Trail, Ste 10
Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

You still have to pay your rent or mortgage, but you can’t get evicted right now. You can get evicted later.

The most important step, is talking to your landlord or mortgage company.

You can’t just stop making payments because the Supreme Court of Florida paused issuing Writs of Possession. You must talk to your landlord or mortgage company and work together to find a reasonable solution.

On March 24, 2020, the Supreme Court of Florida issued Order Number AOSC20-17, specifically addressing Writs of Possession in Eviction proceedings. This Order will delay many Evictions on a statewide basis in Florida. The Order states that “Given the exigencies of the public health emergency, the requirement in Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.580(a) for the clerk to issue a writ of possession “forthwith” shall be suspended through the close of business on Friday, April 17, 2020, or as provided by subsequent order.”

Jennifer Mantoni of Mantoni Legal Explains what this means on her website