Mary Stewart CPA LogoMary G. Stewart, CPA, PA

Taking the work out of book work
and taking the axe to your taxes.

Mary Stewart CPA Logo

Mary G. Stewart, CPA, PA

Taking the work out of book work
and taking the axe to your taxes.

Phone: (941) 258-3191
Fax: (941) 258-3192
Address: 2886 Tamiami Trail, Ste 10
Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

How to Keeping the Lights on During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Payment Assistance, Grants, Loans and Free Stuff for Individuals & Businesses

There are numerous programs to help individuals and businesses keep the lights on at home and at work during the current crisis.

Getting Your Stimulus Check

The Treasury Department announced that Economic Impact Payments (EIP) will be distributed automatically, with no action required for most taxpayers. If you haven't filed taxes ...

School Loans – No Interest & Deferred Payments

School loans are interest-free, but you still need to make the payments. School Loans are a win-win right now.  If you can make payments, it ...

Skipping Payments

Currently, you're water and electric can't be shut-off for non-payment, but once the National Emergency ends, you will have to make-up those skipped payments! Same goes ...

Stimulus Checks = Free Money

Don't spend your stimulus money yet. The last time the Federal Government approved stimulus checks, it was 3 months before the checks were mailed! The ...

Skipping Rent or Mortgage Payments

You still have to pay your rent or mortgage, but you can't get evicted right now. You can get evicted later. The most important step, ...

Dollar-for-Dollar Credit for Employers Providing Coronavirus-related Leave to their Employees

On March 20, 2020, the U.S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the U.S. Department of Labor (Labor) announced that small and midsize employers ...

Filing and Payment Deadline Extended to July 15, 2020

Last updated March 21, 2020 The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service are providing special tax filing and payment relief to individuals and businesses in ...

Tax Return Filing & Payment Relief FAQ

Yes. Both the filing and payment deadlines have been automatically postponed from April 15, 2020 to July 15, 2020 for individuals, trusts, estates, corporations, or ...

Unemployment Benefits & How to File

ORLANDO, Fla. – Many people are unable to work due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. While there are state and federal measures coming to help those ...